Well… this is one of the hottest girls I have ever capped and one of my favorite videos of all time. Her body makes NO sense and the proportions are just out of this world and inconceivable really. I mean look… her waist is TINY but her bubble ass is this big?!? They were roaming around a music festival earlier in the day and I had capped her like 5 times that day. She was my favorite BY FAR for this whole event. Her boyfriend remained clueless as I stuck my cam in her ass so many times. The side shots are my favorite… the roundness of this ass is unbeatable. So many dudes were turning their head, I think I even caught a couple dudes on camera “brush up” against her just to feel this thing. Her boyfriend wasn’t even touching her the whole time… maybe he’s just a friend? If it were me…. well, you know.